Hey It's okay to have a bad day

Life isn’t a flower of which love is the honey. We’re all speed freaks nowadays, hurtling from one appointment to another, wolfing down lunch, seeing the time and panicking. Many people were under so much pressure, they couldn’t deal with their emotions directly. Most of the women are trying to deal with anxiety by putting on a brave face. In therapy, crying is a sign of healing. It’s time to stop holding back the tears!

There are 5 ways to de-stress:

1. Breathing

  • Take a long, slow breath in through your nose, first filling your lower lungs, then your upper lungs.
  • Hold your breath to the count of ‘three’
  • Exhale slowly through pursed lips while you relax the muscles in your face, jaw, shoulders and stomach.

2. Tunes

The soothing power of music is well-established. Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on our minds and bodies.

To incorporate music into a busy life, try playing music in the car or put the radio on when in the bath. Take portable music with you when walking in the park or jogging, taking the Tube.

3. Exercise

Maintaining a yoga practice can be a great way to reduce stress, stay in shape and calm the mind.

Here are yoga poses to de-stress and relax:

  • Child's Pose
  • Bridge Pose
  • Standing Forward Bend
  • Eagle Pose
  • Corpse Pose
  • Extended Triangle Pose
  • Legs-Up-The-Wall
  • Puppy Pose
  • Cat Pose
  • Dolphin Pose

4. Favourite thing

For me, I love getting creative with jewellery making. Arts and crafts.

It forces me to concentrate on something else and really helps clear my mind.

A painting has always been a creative and productive way for me to let out my feelings.

According to the Zodiac sign. Travelling and escaping every day is one of the best ways for Sagittarians to feed their gipsy souls.

You don’t have to pack anything, just jump on the next flight to get out of here.

5. A little thing

  • Reading

Reading worked best. When you read, your mind is distracted from everyday worries and anxiety. Dr Lewis said ‘Losing yourself in a book is the ultimate relaxation’.

  • Essential Oils

A simple smell has the ability to immediately evoke emotions and memories instantly that can directly impact our bodies through our nervous system. I recommend the lavender, rose, lemongrass, harmony and cedarwood are the best essential oils.

  • YouTube

Laughter is an instant stress reducer and immune system booster.

Browse the funniest videos for a quick remedy. Like prank videos or rom-com films.

  • A cup of tea

Drinking tea has traditionally been associated with stress relief and many people believe that drinking tea helps them relax after facing the stresses of everyday life. I quite like Pukka this brand. For me, I recommend chamomile, vanilla & manuka honey. They are all naturally caffeine-free and ethically sourced.