Relationship Preferences of Zodiac Sign

When we meet someone new, we love to look up their zodiac sign and judge our compatibility. Starting with the most basic needs within a relationship, we found that most fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) value communication above all. Alternatively, most earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) put trust at the forefront of their relationship. This could spell trouble for the dating scene, however, because apparently, water signs and earth signs work best together in relationships, as do fire and air signs. The good news is that communication and trust go hand and hand, and compromises can certainly be made.

However, sign incompatibility doesn't mean you can't fall in love with your opposite sign and live in harmony. In fact, you should look into the signs that you are the most compatible with rather than avoiding the one sign you are "technically" incompatible with.

The twelve animal signs or zodiac symbols are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, and Rooster. Water, wood, fire, and earth are the five natural elements in Chinese astrology.

In Japan, many people believe that the year of a person's birth, to some extent affects his character, and it may even be useful to consult an astrologer if someone should find love.

The element of Fire:

Aries (March 21 - April 19), Leo (July 23 - August 22) and Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The element of Air:

Gemini (May 21 - June 20), Libra (September 23 - October 22) and Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The element of Earth:

 Taurus (April 20 - May 20), Virgo (August 23 - September 22) and Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

The element of Water:

 Cancer (June 21 - July 22), Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) and Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Generally, signs within the same element are compatible, so for example, the fire signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are all a good match. Couples from outside your element may add extra spark – Air and Fire signs are good together. They share outgoing energy that keeps the relationship lively. Earth and Water signs are also a natural fit as they can establish security and feel naturally at home with each other.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac. Aries have a lot of energy. They are strong, athletic, and naturally beautiful. Aries make good friends because they are honest individuals who are easy to talk to. On the other hand, they can be seen as close-minded. They don’t like to compromise. Arians are known for their creative ideas. They set high goals for themselves and aren’t afraid to take chances. The energy of these risk-takers rubs off on those around them. Don’t tell an Arian that he can’t do something! Like its symbol the ram, an Arian will push his way to the top no matter what it takes. They can sometimes take things too far and become physically aggressive. On the other hand, they get bored easily and don’t always follow through if things are too easy. They enjoy hunting more than winning. 

Aries is very direct about what they want, so they may typically be the person who is reaching out and making the first move with someone. Aries has a lot of energy too, so they may want to plan dates that involve an exciting experience, rather than just sitting at a bar and having a drink. When in a relationship, Aries may be the partner that is coming up with vacation ideas or wanting to initiate doing something new together. They like to constantly be on the go or do activities on a whim, and they don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on the past or thinking about anything too negative. The fiery personality of Aries is always fun to be around. However, there are moments when they may come across as impulsive or self-centered, so they may need to make a conscious effort to listen and be more patient in their relationships. Aries makes it very clear when they’re interested in someone or not. They are blunt and honest about their feelings, so if they have fallen in love, they will want to let the other person know pretty quickly. In addition, when Aries really likes someone, they won’t run away at the first signs of trouble, and their attention will be focused solely on one person. Even if the relationship has moved quickly from the start, Aries will be seriously invested in the relationship and won’t give up after only a few weeks.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac and the closest sign to earth. Following the law is important to a Taurus. A Taurus will also follow a good leader. Taurus-born people enjoy material possessions. They also love comfort and luxury, such as candlelight dinners and a happy home. Like the bull, a Taurus can be a bit stubborn. This isn’t always a negative aspect. They work at a slow and steady pace to achieve their hopes and dreams. A Taurus will shower herself with gifts after achieving a goal. Taurus makes good friends as long are you are in a similar social rank. They are calm and collected but don’t push them too far. It can be difficult to calm a Taurus down after an incident. And don’t try to change the mind of a Taurus. You won’t win! It may surprise you that the bull-headed Taurus enjoys the arts. Many famous singers are born under the Taurus sign.

Tauruses appreciate the finer things in life, so they will not be skimping on date night. They’re big foodies, so they may have a list of quality restaurants they love to frequent, or they may even want to cook for you themselves. In addition, Tauruses like to shop, so this might be a weekend activity they enjoy doing with their partner. Tauruses are also pretty introverted, so it’s more likely that they prefer nights over socializing in huge group settings. Overall, Tauruses are very patient, and they’re able to handle any relationship conflict that comes up in a calm and controlled manner.

The build-up in a relationship is typically slow but steady with a Taurus. Even if it takes them a while to say I love you or further commit, when a Taurus is all in, they mean it. They may like to take care of their partner by cooking meals or by being of service in other little ways. Tauruses are also big on physical contact, so they may always be looking for opportunities to cuddle or get closer to their partner. Beyond that, they may like to make a big deal out of anniversaries or birthdays, as they like to treat their partner to extravagant experiences.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. Gemini are explorers of the world. They enjoy life most when they have a lot of freedom. Sometimes Gemini forgets to look after their bodies. They are so busy exploring that they don’t eat or sleep. If you have a question or concern, a Gemini is a good person to go to. They love to give advice, and they have a lot of real-life experiences to share. It is difficult for Gemini to concentrate on one thing at a time. They often leave projects unfinished. Gemini are social butterflies; they have many acquaintances, but few close friends. Be yourself when you meet a Gemini for the first time. Gemini-born people tend to judge others by their first impression. Some people think that Gemini are always happy. Their positive energy makes them fun to be around.

When dating a Gemini, you should be prepared to frequently hang out with their friends. Geminis maintain an active social life and loves to be constantly on the move, interacting with other people. They may also keep you entertained with their running stream of commentary. In addition, Geminis grow easily restless and need to keep their mind occupied, so they may like dates that involve bookstores, museums, or visiting a nearby town for the day. When a Gemini has fallen in love, they will be vocal about their feelings. Words of affirmation are their love language, so they will want to frequently talk about how much they adore you. They may also be keen on introducing you to every single one of their friends, and they will want to be seen out on the town as a couple.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22) 
Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac. This zodiac sign is represented by the crab. People born under the Cancer sign have a tough outer shell. They are very protective of themselves and their loved ones. On the inside, Cancers are sensitive creatures who care deeply for their loved ones. You can confide in them with your darkest secrets. Despite their devoted nature, Cancers can be tough to get along with. They are known for having mood swings. Just when you think your friend is ready to go to a party, he curls up behind closed doors with a book. Most of the time, Cancers keep very busy and lead successful lives. They are workaholics who prefer to run rather than walk through life.

A Cancer needs to know that there’s security in the relationship, so they are usually not into casual dating or dating multiple people at once. They prefer to foster deeper, emotional connections, which is part of why they might be a little guarded at first. They need to be sure of someone before they give their heart away.

Cancers are also traditional when it comes to dating, and they may like to be pursued so that they know that the other person likes them first. Once they’re more serious about someone though, they love having cosy movie nights at home and engaging in intimate conversations. They are great listeners, and often they’ll interject with really helpful advice. However, they tend to avoid huge group outings, so they may only want to introduce you to their absolute closest friends and family.

Once they are sure of their emotions for someone, a Cancer will be all in with the other person. They will feel very at home with you, and they might be a lot more outwardly affectionate and loving. They like to take care of their partner and they’re extremely nurturing, so they will go out of their way to make you feel good. They may plan big romantic gestures, such as setting up candlelit dinners or organising a weekend away together. Another sure way to know that they are in love is when they start inviting you to not only meet their parents, but their whole extended family.

Leo (July 23 – August 21) 

Leo is the strongest sign of the zodiac. Leos are born leaders and do best in positions of authority. Leos take on leadership roles at home and at work. They make good doctors, lawyers, and politicians. They know how to get what they want in life, and they attack problems head on. As well as having good survival instincts, Leos love to perform. They will do anything to get your attention and love. If you appreciate them, they will look out for you. It is good to have a Leo on your side. Leos have a bad reputation for having big egos. They don’t take criticism well, and it is hard for them to admit when they are wrong. Leos become unhappy if they are not in the spotlight.

At first, Leos might be reserved about their feelings for someone. They have a big fear of rejection, so they may like to wait for their love interest to text them first and make all the moves. Leos need a lot of reassurance and attention in the initial stages of dating. They also expect to be impressed, so they may prefer to be taken to nice restaurants or have their date put a lot of thought into their plans.

At first, Leos might be reserved about their feelings for someone. They have a big fear of rejection, so they may like to wait for their love interest to text them first and make all the moves. Leos need a lot of reassurance and attention in the initial stages of dating. They also expect to be impressed, so they may prefer to be taken to nice restaurants or have their date put a lot of thought into their plans.

Once a Leo decides they like someone though, they are in it for the long haul. They’re extremely loyal in their relationships and may shower the other person with attention. At times, they may even be a bit possessive, and they will expect the same amount of effort from their partner in return.

When a Leo has fallen in love, they will want the whole world to know about it. They may often post pictures of their partner on social media or find a way to bring them up in every single conversation. They will want to discuss their relationship with whomever will listen. Within the actual relationship, they may suddenly be a lot more open and honest about their feelings. Where they may have been a bit shy at first, they may now wear their heart on their sleeve and be super affectionate. A Leo will also make their partner their priority and go out of their way to do thoughtful things for the other person.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac. Virgos are detail-oriented. Some people call them perfectionists. Virgos expect perfection of themselves and others. Don’t be surprised if a Virgo tries to change you or your plans. Virgos are highly analytical. At times they seem to live in their own minds. They look calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside they are analyzing everything. Virgos are very health conscious and are often called hypochondriacs. Whenever their health is disrupted, they make a big deal out of it. With so much nervous tension, Virgos often suffer from insomnia. Virgos are students for life. They are interested in many subjects and will learn about a new topic thoroughly before moving on to something else. Virgos make interesting companions and acquaintances.

At the start of a relationship, a Virgo will want to move slowly. It takes a while for them to fully trust someone else, and they will keep their cards close to their chest, preferring to have the other person initiate texting or asking to go on a date. It definitely takes a while for a Virgo to reveal their true feelings.

When a Virgo decides that they do like someone, it is usually pretty serious. Virgo doesn’t commit to just anyone, and they like to know that a relationship serves a purpose and has the potential for a long-term future before they make their mind up. Once they are in a relationship, they will remember every single little detail about the person they’re dating. A Virgo will never forget an anniversary or their partner’s birthday, and they may go out of their way to do something special for every event.

When a Virgo has fallen in love, their guard will finally come down and they won’t be so hard to read. A Virgo shows their love through doing acts of service, so they will be very giving to their partner. If the other person is having a bad day or going through a tough time, Virgo will want to know what they can do to make everything better. They may also like to shower their partner with little unexpected gifts every now and then.

Because Virgos are always one step ahead, they will want to make plans for the upcoming months and even years. Once they are super sure about someone, they will be eager to discuss where the relationship is headed in the long run.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac. Some people say it’s the best sign to be born under. Unlike the other signs that are represented by living creatures, Libra is represented by the Scales. The Scales symbolize balance, and Libras are well-balanced people who believe in fairness. They are team players in everything they do, and are often the peacekeepers in families or workplaces. At parties and get-togethers, Libras know how to charm people. They are attracted to beautiful people and love socializing. They can also become bored easily. When faced with a tough decision, Libras often sit on the fence. They don’t like to blame anyone. Bankers are often Libras because Libras are good at dealing with money. However, Libras are not good at saying no. Their own finances can suffer because they always say yes to invitations and opportunities.

Because Libra can get overwhelmed with making decisions, in the early stages of dating they will want their date to be the assertive one who arranges the restaurant and comes up with a game plan. Fortunately, there won’t be a lot of awkward pauses in the conversation, because Libra usually has a lot to discuss. They are naturally skilled at making conversation with anyone, and they may just intuitively know what to say to put the other person at ease. Libra is also very mindful of everyone else’s needs, and they come across as warm and inviting.

Ruled by the planet Venus, Libra is a sign that likes to be surrounded by beauty. They may like dates that have a cultural aspect to them, such as going to a museum, film showing, or performance. They want to be treated to nice outings that have had a lot of thought put into them, and which feel very romantic.

When a Libra has fallen for someone, they will give them their undivided attention. Because Libra is so social, they may start prioritising their alone time with their partner over regular outings with friends. Libra likes to make big romantic gestures too, so they may go out of their way to buy their partner something nice or treat them to dinner. When they feel close to someone, Libra may become more outwardly affectionate, and they might be touchy feely or want to talk about how much they like their partner.
Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac. Scorpios are independent people who enjoy their alone time. They are wise and wealthy business people. While they often stay away from the centre of attention, they are watchful of everything that is going on. The eyes of a Scorpio can make other people nervous. It can be difficult for Scorpios to find true love. They have trouble sharing decision-making powers with a partner. Scorpios are also very emotional. They do not forgive people easily and they often invite drama into their lives. Despite their emotional shortfalls, Scorpios are wise souls. From a young age, they seem far more advanced and experienced than their peers. When faced with life challenges, they typically rise up undefeated. For this reason, they make great leaders.
Scorpios crave intensity in their relationships, and they usually know right away if they’re interested or not. They don’t date just for the sake of dating, and they would rather develop deeper intimacy with someone. They may enjoy having lengthy conversations about profound topics, and they are probably curious about difficulties from their partner’s past or any struggles that person might be currently going through. Scorpios love cutting to the chase and figuring out why someone is the way they are, so you won’t experience much surface-level small talk when you’re with them. Scorpios fall fast when they’re interested in someone, even if they may not let on just how obsessed they are. The person they’re dating is likely always at the top of their Instagram searches, and Scorpio may go out of their way to conveniently show up at events where their love interest may be. Though they’re intense from the start, once they’ve fallen in love and the relationship is more solidified, Scorpio will make more of an effort to open up instead of keeping all of their feelings hidden inside.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the zodiac. Sagittarius are intellectual. They are level-headed people who think before they act. They look to many different sources for answers. Sagittarius are free spirits who love to explore. They don’t do well in situations when they are stuck in one place for a long time. It is good to have a Sagittarius as a companion because they are always optimistic. Some people say “Sags” are the friendliest of all zodiac signs. On the other hand, they rarely stick with the same group of friends. They prefer new experiences. It can be difficult to build a deep relationship with a Sagittarius due to their fear of commitment. Some people say that Sags have the Peter Pan syndrome. This means they have difficulty growing up.

Sagittarius tends to have a lot of friends and an active social life, so they may like to introduce anyone they are dating to their friend group early on. They are also big on travel, so they may suggest taking a trip together even if the relationship is fairly new. 

They can also be pretty direct about what they want, so they will most likely be the person reaching out and making most of the first moves when dating. In addition, Sagittarians are pretty easy going, and they don’t spend time dwelling on the negative. It may feel soothing being around them because they’re able to realise what really matters in their day to day life and they don’t get anxious over small things.

Sagittarius is also very funny, and they’re good teachers. They may love helping their partner learn about themselves, and they’re usually knowledgeable on many different subjects. They like to be in relationships where both people are constantly growing together and developing into better versions of themselves.

When a Sagittarius has fallen in love, they are more willing to have important conversations about the future. It also won’t be hard to decipher how they’re feeling because Sagittarians are very honest and upfront. If they don’t like you, they will let you know. So when they start making plans for the relationship, you can assume they’re serious about you. They may also take a greater interest in what you’re doing and want to know the best way in which they can support you and help you to grow.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac. Capricorns work hard to achieve success. Like a mountain goat, they keep climbing until they reach the top. They always weigh the pros and cons before making decisions. They are good with finances and rarely fall into debt. It can be difficult for a Capricorn to balance work and play. Capricorns always pitch in when help is needed. They also make sympathetic friends and partners that you can count on. You won’t catch a Capricorn breaking a promise. On the other hand, they are cautious people who do not enter relationships easily. It may take a lot of time and effort to find your way into a Capricorn’s inner circle of friends. Capricorns tend to suffer from low self-esteem. They become easily depressed. Fortunately, they don’t like laziness, and will eventually stop sulking and get back to work or play.

Capricorn loves to have a set plan for the next few years of their life, so when they are dating someone they may enjoy discussing the future with their partner. They need to know that the relationship is headed somewhere and that all of their time and energy isn’t going to waste. Capricorn likes to feel in control, so they may be the person planning most of the dates or trips away with someone. They want everything to be perfect, so they may make reservations way ahead of time. Capricorn is also a fan of tradition, so when a relationship is new they may want the person they’re seeing to pick up the phone and call them or ask them out a certain amount of days in advance. When Capricorn has fallen for someone, they may show off a side of themselves that others rarely see. They may open up about their weaknesses, and they won’t be afraid to show off how they’re feeling. Because Capricorn takes commitment so seriously, when they choose to be with someone, it means that they are all in and will do whatever it takes to make the relationship work. Letting their guard down around someone is not something a Capricorn does often, so when they do so, it tends to carry a lot of weight.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. Aquarians are forward thinkers who often take the road less traveled. They try to do things differently than their peers. This is how they often get ahead of the pack. Aquarians do not like traditions, rituals, or schedules. It can be difficult for an Aquarian to relax. The mind is always working. Aquarians are great communicators. They stay up-to-date with all the modern technology. Don’t be surprised if an Aquarian tries to get you to take his side. Aquarians can be very convincing. They are also very inspiring and love a good challenge. No mission is impossible for an Aquarian.

An Aquarian’s mind moves at a million miles a minute, so they enjoy having stimulating, intellectual conversations with the person they’re dating. No topic is off limits for them either, and the weirder the other person’s interests are, the more Aquarius will be into them. They may also be up for any type of date as well, and they’re always ready for a new adventure. However, they won’t love going to huge social events and they could get a little intimidated at the prospect of meeting their partner’s friends and family. Aquarians have their extroverted side, but they also need a lot of space to be alone. In addition, they are very up front about what they do and don’t like, so if you’re dating an Aquarius you can always expect to get an honest answer from them. When an Aquarius has fallen for someone, they will be comfortable being themselves. They will also be okay with relinquishing their need for independence in order to work as part of a team with their partner. In addition, they won’t leave the other person guessing about how they feel, and they may suddenly be much more physically affectionate and expressive with their emotions.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces is the last of the zodiac signs. Pisceans are artistic people who enjoy dance, art, and film. The two fishes symbolize their tendency to go with the flow. Those born under the Pisces sign are attracted to luxurious places. They enjoy looking for treasures. Pisceans are often picky eaters. If they have a craving for a certain food, they won’t settle for anything else. Many Pisceans have an addiction. They become obsessed with one thing, such as a television series, and can become addicted to it. Some people say that Pisceans tend to live in a dream world. When they are unhappy, they escape to an imaginary place. It is nice to have a Pisces as a friend because she will always listen to your troubles. On the other hand, she may become so emotionally involved that she takes on your pain. Your problems become more important than hers. In the workplace, Pisces work best alone.

Pisces will want to keep the romance alive years into their relationship. They may like to make bigger celebrations out of anniversaries or Valentine’s Day, or they may come up with ways to subtly give gifts or do little things for their partner. When they are first dating someone though, Pisces might be quick to cut to the chase and have more meaningful conversations. They want to feel like they’re bonding with the other person on a deeper level, so they may not be so great at keeping conversation light. When Pisces is in love, they are very giving and compassionate towards their partner. They may go out of their way to help out the person they are with, and they like to feel of service. They may enjoy sharing advice or just being there to support their partner when they are going through a difficult time. Also, where Pisces may have been shy at first, they may be much more comfortable sharing their feelings and opening up about their insecurities without needing so much reassurance from the other person.